Wellness Community
Simon’s Coffee House invites you to join our wellness community!
At Simon’s Coffee House we believe that a Plant Based lifestyle goes far beyond the plate! We offer education on how to implement pant based, natural products in your lifestyle. Check out our events calendar below to find classes on DIY natural products for home and body, essential oils, cooking classes and much more!
Stay Tuned for Dates & Times!
We will have a featured speaker each event, as well as local wellness practitioners sharing their specialties!
All are welcomed to attend the events!
Check out the event schedule on Simon’s Wellness Community on Facebook or the events calendar below.
Go on Facebook to see past classes or to tune in remotely to upcoming classes...
All classes will be streamed LIVE!!
For more info on how to be a part of Simon’s Wellness Community and offer your services or to be a speaker, email Simon at simonscoffeehouse@msn.com

Upcoming Wellness Events
Simon's Plant Based Revolution!

With the demands of working long hours in the restaurant business most of my life and being an adventure sport enthusiast, I have had to pay close attention to my health and body. Luckily, decades ago, a Buddhist teacher ask me to try vegetarianism. It absolutely changed my life! All of a sudden, I had this endless energy! I added fish to this diet once in a while and it served me well for almost 25 years, until my sporting injuries from my past started to get my attention with inflammation.
I had a serious motor bike accident 10 yrs ago breaking both ankles as well as my left hand. This accident generally ravaged my body between the injuries and compensation issues. A few years later I had a surfing accident in Costa Rica, causing a torn ACL, a dislocated hip, plus other knocks and bumps from years of sports. My annual blood work was good but it could have been better, so I decided to try a full on plant based diet. No more splash of cream in my coffee, odd piece of cheese, the once in a while fish taco, etc..
The first reaction from my body was the endless energy returning. Then there was the realization that I didn’t have the inflammation in my knee after a long shift at work! The biggest change was my blood work! My cholesterol levels all changed and my glucose was lower. In fact, all across the board there was changes for the better! My blood pressure even lowered.
I now have an immense passion for creating plant base dishes, using plant base essential oils, herbs and natural plant based products in my home and in my every day life! This is my personal journey and my mission is to inspire others, even if its to try to add one plant based meal a day to their diet ! If you visit my restaurant and I’m not there working be assured I’m either paddle surfing, kite surfing or sailing with this boundless energy...make sure you visit my wellness page for info on adding plant base into your lifestyle!